I'm New


Royal View Baptist Church is a church near downtown Gilbert where one can learn God's Truth, worship Him in simplicity, and enjoy the friendliness of other Christians.

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am Bible Study and Children's Class
10:30 am Main Service and Children's Church
2:00 pm Spanish Service

Sunday Evenings

6:00 pm Family Service

Wednesday Evenings

7:00 pm Bible Study and Prayer

***Loving Nursery Provided at all Services***

What To Expect

Most services are around 60 minutes long. Our music includes both older and newer hymns, sung in a fresh and Christ-honoring way. People are pleasant and happy but we're not jumping around or speaking in tongues. The main part of the service consists of a Pastoral message from the Word of God - the Bible. And afterwards, most people hang out and enjoy fellowship with one another.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.